Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Visiting Lingama Colony

So, I miss and love my family over at Lingama Colony. We go visit once a week when we can. This time we visited on a Tuesday because the kids were off school and some were leaving for the holiday.Gopal and Shriya (7) with Suhail's baby brother, Nawaz, who's growing so fast I didn't realize who it was!
My friend Suhail (9)

Shriya, Nawaz, Suhail (at Suhail's house)

This is the only picture I could get of Ladoo (3) who had just gotten up from a nap. (I was trying to show her how to put a bracelet on I had brought her, but of course she would have none of it.)

On Sunday, Krishna's son Raju came to visit, so he got dragged along to Lingama Colony. Everyone wanted to meet Krishna's son.

This is Suhail's family, and there are some names I am not remembering, most of them. Grandma, Nawaz, Suhail, ? , Suhail's mother and father. (I'll fill in the names as I find them.)

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