Thursday, November 23, 2006

Thursday, November 23, 2006
Today was a wonderful day. Gopal and I even went to a movie this afternoon. We rarely do that. Dinesh and Ratna came for dinner. Then Tej and a friend came by. It was nice. Mike called from Washington state, and Manohara called from work. Suzie and Ramon are in L.A. with his parents. I took my diabetes medication just before dinner, as usual. And now I'm getting that horrible acid reflux I used to get. I stopped taking it, hoping desperately to find an ayervedic alternative, but there wasn't time. You can't let your blood sugars rise for long without hurting yourself, so I went back on it. It took about two weeks for my acid reflux to get really bad again. Now what do I do? I'll have to shop for the ayervedic medicines an Indian website recommended. I'm stuck between medical cultures. Having been raised in western medicine, it's hard to trust new-to-me alternatives when my health problems are so dire. I would like to be leaning predominantly on ayervedic medicine by the time I move to India, but I'm not sure I can. Maybe when I'm there, I can make the transition. It's hard for me to imagine that diabetes and cancer can be controlled by ayervedic medicine (lifestyle?). We'll see.

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