Much to the horror of some of my neighbors, this shaggy dog has adopted us. She has decided this is where she wants to live, and we aren't about to drive her away. It really has been a test to the relationhips I have been fortunate enough to form here. Although a few households have pets, generally, dogs run wild and are vilified here. People really hate them and treat them very badly. But after some stressful days, our landlord started feeding Shaggy Dog and seems very happy to have her around. sigh
When we left for Devala, someone had put a large rope around Shaggy's neck overnight. I wasn't sure what people were planning to do to her while we were away.
I was so relieved to see her right there in front of our house when we returned.
Shriya and Atul told me a woman across the creek had tried to tie her up over there (I have a feeling she wanted to keep Shaggy there 'cause she's so cute), but Shaggy kept breaking away and coming back to our house.
I was so relieved to see her right there in front of our house when we returned.
Shriya and Atul told me a woman across the creek had tried to tie her up over there (I have a feeling she wanted to keep Shaggy there 'cause she's so cute), but Shaggy kept breaking away and coming back to our house.